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Thursday, November 1, 2007

NaNo Month

November 1st is the start of National Novel Writers Month, or NaNo as we writers like to nickname it. It's an annual challenge to turn off the internal editor for 30 days, and strive for a goal of 50,000 words. That's a lot in a short time. It breaks down to 1667 words a day. I write tight, so it doesn't take me long to reach the bottom of my word bucket to get a scene down on paper, and I'm usually lucky if I hit a thousand words. Once in a great while the bucket overflows and I get a bit more done.
I've had a story idea going on in the back of my head for sometime now. A minor character in another story decided he wanted the spotlight for himself, so I'm giving him a chance to shine. At this point he doesn't have a whole lot to say, but I'm sure he'll do better when he settles in to telling his tale. He's got a couple decisions to make before he gets started on his great adventure. The idea is to concentrate on what this one character has to say and not let anyone else interrupt. After all, everyone has to wait their turn, even if they don't think so.
If you're taking part in this challenge, or even if you're not, post your comments here, pro or con for this annual event. What do you think of it? Does it help you, or put on more pressure you don't need? Share your thoughts with other writers.
Until next time...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Welcome To My Meanderings

Meanderer is the perfect word for a blogger, I think. Thoughts might run to unrelated topics, but my specific goal here is to get input, or reader reviews on the writings I've had published and let you know what I'm up to, what's coming out next. I'm working on getting blurbs and bookcovers together, but it might take a little time. It seems the some of the files I have don't know what they are and refuse to open. This is what you call 'on the job training', figuring out what you're doing as you do it. I admit it, I'm new to blogging, but I hope to become familiar with the process right quick.

Anyhoo... I'm looking forward to reading your comments, opinions, and maybe answering questions. I look forward to hearing from long-time friends and new ones as well, and hope you'll go meandering with me.