What were those lyrics the Righteous Brothers and The Platters (?) used to sing about time going by so slowly? You can't prove it by me. This year seems to have fled, quicker than 2014 did. Time may be a relative thing, but even younger people agree it seems to be passing us by even quicker.
I looked back on my blog to refresh my memory and found, to my dismay, that my January blog held forth lots of potential but turned out to be little substance. In all fairness life loves to throw out curve balls, just to see what you might do under the circumstances that do present themselves. Then there's Murphy, who likes nothing better than to move in with his target and raise havoc. I think he found a summer place in my home.
My one success was in the single submission I sent in. There were a couple new ideas that got filed as well. I'd love to work on them but there are older files that need tending before they end up with long gray whiskers or are relegated to "retirement" homes for ideas that never quite made it.
Which brings me to the point where I make a list of goals for 2016. I'm carrying forward most of the goals I had for this year but didn't achieve. All those short stories I wanted to finish and get ready for submission. They're getting in a queue, complaining about seniority and who should be given attention first. And you thought football fans were bad when it comes to confrontations. I wouldn't want to get in the way of a story that demands it can't wait. That could get pretty ugly.
So it comes to plotting some and finishing others. There are three or four month-long writing challenges to keep in mind as well. Anyone who has taken part in those knows the boost it can give you, both in getting a first draft done and boosting your self-confidence. Believe me, my self-confidence could use a double shot, mega-sized boost.
And that poor quilt is still waiting to be sewn together. In my defense I have to say it's hard to get a sewing project done when you don't have sufficient working space. I am determined to get it done, if I have to hang the sewing machine from the ceiling. The pattern is easy enough, tumbling blocks but I'm doing it a bit differently. If you've seen the movie, think Floating Mountains of Pandora, in Avatar.
Hopefully the coming year will be more conducive to meeting goals and 2016 won't fly past any quicker than did 2015. If it goes any faster, it'll whizz past us. What are some of your goals for the new year? Love to hear from you.