Every Saturday, my sister and I get together to run errands and have some fun. Saturday is Pun Day and I never know what to expect. Once in a while, especially on a holiday weekend, we plan on fewer errands and do them on Friday. On these weekends, Saturdays can be terrible for getting around, and many of the drivers are even worse. This entry has little to do with errands and a bit more to do with puns. (None of which I can recall now, but they were doozies.)
We were traveling on a road not far from where I live. There's almost always traffic here, especially when folks are headed home from work. The jeep in front of us had stopped and from what we could see, there was nothing in the traffic that should have caused this delay in travel. My sister was the first to spot what turned out to not be a problem, but something more fascinating.
On my side of the road there's a railing type fence to keep people from slipping down the slight incline to the pond a few feet away. Wild shrubs grow just beyond this railing, and over the years it's pretty much taken over. At the same time, the pond has receded a bit. It was the sight on this side of the fence that had me staring open-mouthed.
Looking over and through the railing, Mama Goose was trying to find a safe way to get through to the other side of the fence and to the water. Behind her were three goslings and Papa Goose brought up the rear. Both adults, with their long necks stretched must have been about three feet tall. The young were fuzzy and cute and quite obedient to their parents. Mom and Dad seemed quite proud of their little brood. Papa issued a warning to one youngster who got a little too close to the curb. Any closer and the young one would have been flattened pretty quick. (Some drivers don't believe in slowing down on that road.) We couldn't stop or pull over since there was traffic behind us. But as we passed the little family, I looked back a couple times in awe.
I admit it, I'm a city gal born and reared. Sights like that turning up in the city are few and very far between so it makes a lasting impression when they do occur. The picture will stay in my mind and one of these days I'll find a way to incorporate it into one of my stories. It's those little things we learn to appreciate when we find them.
As to the puns... my sister had a few things to say along those lines and they were so 'groan-able' I wish I could recall what they were. One of these days, I half expect them to pop up in my memory and I'll be saying 'yeah, she said that'. And maybe next time I'll get the snapshot I missed. I'll be paying a little more attention to find another pleasant surprise, but that's when they don't happen. If they did, they wouldn't be surprises to make my day.
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