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Monday, July 18, 2011

What Goes There?

I love paranormal stories. Things that go bump in the night can be so much fun or tension building. When you think about it, creatures like vampires, were-animals and such have changed remendously in the last few years. Vampires don't react to garlic (they find that more amusing than anything else). Most aren't bothered by holy water but they'd prefer to avoid it than take a chance on its caustic effects. As to sunlight, many are able to adapt ... very carefully. Take the TV show Moonlight for instance. That was one vampire who could take sunlight in limited doses. And when it came time to sleep? No coffin for him. He preferred a freezer. Must have been nice on those hot summer nights.
Stories like that get my imagination whirling and simmering. An idea here, another one there, and pretty soon a story comes together. That's pretty much how the Lady In Black was created.
I'd had some ideas for contest entries, but when they didn't fit the agenda I let the characters go where they wished and I followed their lead. As a result I came up with a collection of paranormal short stories accompanied by a couple flash fiction. In the title story, several men are cursed for assaulting the heroine's brother. What happens when the hero tries to get the curse removed from his best friend?
Then there's the young baron of a small village, a devil-may-care sort of character who becomes fascinated by the innkeeper's daughter and watches her grow up. Will his love for her always be unrequited? What is there about the man that keeps him from speaking up?
Ever wonder just how angry a person can become when they discover their lover has been cheating on them? Temper, Temper... is the near ultimate in revenge.
There are more ideas rattling around in the ol' brain pan looking for a place to settle. In the meantime, the Lady In Black would love the pleasure of your company.


Sultry Summers said...

Good to see you posting again

Angela Drake said...

Lady in Black is an AWESOME read. I couldn't put it down. Hope there are more of these kinds of stories on your 'to be written' list. :-)