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Monday, March 31, 2014

Walk (Or Run) To the Nearest Exit...

According to the calendar, Spring arrived March 20th. Looking out the window, I have to wonder about that. The temperature has had more ups and downs than a yo-yo. By mid-January and winter thaw, cabin fever starts to set in. That's when the walls seem to be closing in on you and you have to find a means of escape or go crazy.

I was just reading an article about a study that was done comparing the benefits of walking vs running. Their results show there isn't much difference between the two. (Give it some time and eventually they come out with another report saying something entirely different.) As far as I'm concerned, the difference comes down to the fact that walking is easier on the bones and lets you go further distances. It's a joint conspiracy when hips, and especially knees, refuse to cooperate. Sooner or later they have to compromise to some point.

The building I live in takes up the whole block on which it sits. It's big enough that completing four circuits around the perimeter is the equivalent of having walked a mile. During winter or bad weather, many of the residents here will walk the halls, as much as they can handle. When the weather settles they'll be doing a group walk, once around the block, once a week. Last year, I fully intended to join them but something always came up or I was deep into a fictitious plot I had to stay with until it was completely solved and recorded. This year I plan to do better.

When I had places to go that weren't contained here in the building, I could work out sticking points in my writing and solve problems that kept the story from moving forward. Once I get my mp3 player set to go, I fully intend to walk around the block, think about my plot and how to fix it. Can you imagine trying to jog and work things out? Having those problems bounce around your head with every step you take? Walking provides a much smoother gait and is more conducive to finding suitable solutions.

 It'll be nice to get out again (or even be able to keep the windows open) when the weather settles and begins to warm a bit. The seventies would be nice. Comfortably warm without the excessive heat and humidity that comes with summer. (not looking forward to that). So... as soon as the weather will permit, walk, or run, if you haven't yet, to the nearest exit and enjoy the return of Spring in all her glory. I will.

Update:  Haven't seen much of the pair of mourning doves that took over the nest in the tree below my windows. They were coming around every morning for a while, until the storm we had last week. Then I didn't see them till the weekend but they didn't stay long. The weather has been too cold and unsettled but every time they come around they stay an hour or two and do a little more work on the nest. The bottom of which no longer can be seen through.  The tree should be sprouting its blossoms in a couple weeks, and hopefully the doves will decide to stay. Hopefully, too, I'll be able to spy on them when the leaves come out.

1 comment:

BeverleyB said...

Enjoy spring and hopefully you can start walking soon.